Sunday, February 10, 2008


I picked up a free magazine at Sainsbury's a few days ago, because it was about houses, and The Man and I are househunting at the moment. The first paragraph of one of the opening articles was so spot on, I could have written it myself:

I am the sort of person who likes to get on with things - no dilly-dallying or fannying about on the fence for me. Almost without realising it, I usually manage to end up in control of most situations - apart from those involving The Boyfriend, who is very much in possession of a mind of his own and will therefore not be controlled by me, or anyone else for that matter.

So, you can imagine that househunting becomes rather more difficult than it may otherwise be, and it's never all that at the best of times.

It's a new experience for me, coming up against someone just as stubborn as me. We don't argue, but sometimes we just don't agree about stuff. Like whether to hire a DJ from Moss Bros for a 'black tie optional' affair. (I say yes, definitely, with a proper tie-up bow tie. He'd rather just wear a suit.) But rather more importantly, about which house to buy. I want in town, near the station. Period features, perhaps a little garden. He wants to be out of town to avoid the traffic, maybe some modern purpose build with laminate flooring. A few weeks back he said that he thought that I was more stubborn than he is, and therefore you would assume that would mean that I'd finally manage to win every argument. I think that his estimation may have to be revised...

Although, trembling on the brink of just giving up on the DJ argument, I am feeling a curious sense of lightness at just letting someone else get on and take the decisions. I can understand why some wives just go along with whatever their husbands like. Hopefully this affliction won't spill over onto the house discussions though or we'll end up living in a modern beige and glass flat in East Grinstead....

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