Friday, October 28, 2005

Weddings and diaries

I've just taken delivery of various 2006 diaries, which I will recover in interesting fabrics for members of the family for next year. There's something optimistic about a new diary that I quite like, but I often think that by the end of the year that it's somehow failed to deliver. Perhaps this year I will put some rubber stamp images on certain days inside, like my birthday for example, to try to jolly them up a bit. *:)

Jonathan and I recently got a wedding invitation to one of my friend's weddings in Scotland in December. In a very fancy castle near Edinburgh. It looks fantastic - and very expensive! How guilty will I feel if I don't go because I can't afford it? Hmm. December is expensive enough as it is! Will have to see about this one.

I saw my brother Pete for lunch yesterday, he was in London on a rare day off. We went to Simpsons on Cornhill in the City for good old fashioned chop house grub. Mmm mmm. If you are ever in the City in London, check it out.

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