Sunday, September 21, 2008

Friday Random Sheepiness

OK, so what would you normally do on a Friday lunchtime in the City? Lunch and drinks in a trendy wine bar? Work through and leave early? Or pop down to London Bridge and watch 400 Freemen of the City exercising their ancient rights to drive sheep across the Bridge?

Here are Hadlow College students making sure no sheep escaped down Cannon Street. Note they are Romney Sheep, an ancient Kentish breed, so kinda local. Not provided by us, but by a farming friend, and Dad was the vet on duty.

The sheep had their own guard! I presume that as this was organised by the Lord Mayor of the City of London he sent some heavies down. They were aiming to raise £40,000 for charity.

The Worshipful Company of - erm - Frameweavers? Or something. And Chairman of the Romney Sheep Breeders' Association.

Monks with digital cameras.

Armour on a sunny day - looked rather warm attire to me. Nice frilly lace collars and burlesque-style feathers though - rather incongruous with the long pointy stick.

Had to have a bloke in a bowler, with the Natwest Tower (sorry, Tower 42) in the background.

So, I have nothing further to add to that, other than is was very strange to see my father, loads of farmers normally hailed at the County Show, and sheep, on London Bridge where I am normally just one of thousands of worker ants migrating north in the morning and south in the evening, from and to the station. Here's to random amusements and ancient rights of the City of London.


Glamourpuss said...

I'm very fond of Hadlow College. And London. And sheep. The pomp and circumstance just makes me smile.


Anonymous said...

I think it is great. Do the people who are in the city know what a sheep looks like and that the best lamb to eat is from a Romney Sheep - native to Kent and N Zealand etc?

Anonymous said...

Love the photos, Katie. Just to add the odd (boring?)comment. The Worshipful Company of World Traders organised the Sheep Drive in aid of (in case your friends want to donate!). The Worshipful Co. in the photo are the Blacksmiths. And lastly your Dad and the rest of the Men and Maids of Kent, along with those beautiful Romneys, were stars!